About PECARE (in English)
The purpose of PECARE is to optimise screening strategies and contribute to more effective treatment of pediatric cataracts. The aim is to constitute a national base for quality assurance in Sweden and other participating nations and to define and analyse unexpected outcomes from treatment.
PECARE is a web-based register of surgeries beginning in the autumn of 2006; it includes children aged 0-8 years. In Sweden, around 40 children are born with cataract (lens clouding) each year. PECARE is a nationally comprehensive register with follow-up data registered at 1, 2, 5 and 10 years of age.
Congenital cataract is associated with a higher degree and another kind of problem other than the adult type. With adults, the aim is to regain earlier visual function, whereas in treating children, the aim is to achieve any visual function at all. The development of the sight line is strongly dependent on early visual stimulation.
The treatment consists of early (i.e. during the first months of life) surgery, and the condition needs to be discovered early, on the maternity ward and in children’s healthcare centres.
In the most severe cases surgery can be needed before 6-8 weeks of age. The cataract can lead to blindness if it is untreated or discovered too late. The earlier the child has surgery, the greater their chances of developing normal vision, but paradoxically, the risk of complications from surgery are greater as well. This is a dilemma, and therefore there are ongoing discussions about the exact time and best method of surgery.
So far, we have obtained unique information on screening strategies for infants, and our hope for the future is that we can improve care in cooperation with other nations, as has already started within the Nordic countries.
Publicerad: 3 maj 2018Senast uppdaterad: 14 juni 2023