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Low risk of revision after reverse shoulder artroplasty for acute proximal humerus fractures. Kaisa Lehtimäki MD, Jeppe V. Rasmussen MD, PhD, Juha Kukkonen MD, PhD, Björn Salomonsson MD, PhD, Erica D.Arverud MD, PhD, Randi Hole MD, Anne-Marie Fenstadt MSc, Stig Brorson MD, DMSc, Steen Lund Jensen MD, PhD, Ville Äärimaa MD, PhD, JSESOA October 2019, available online 2 January 2020


The short-term survival of total stemless shoulder arthroplasty for osteoarthritis is comparable to that of total stemmed shoulder arthroplasty: a Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association study. Jeppe Rasmussen, Jenni Harjula, Erica D Arverud, Randi Hole, Steen L Jensen, Stig Brorson, Anne Marie Fenstad, Björn Salomonsson, Ville Äärimaa J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Aug; 28(8):1578-1586.

The benefits of collaboration: the Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association. Mäkelä KT, Furnes O, Hallan G, Fenstad AM, Rolfson O, Kärrholm J, Rogmark C, Pedersen AB, Robertsson O, W-Dahl A, Eskelinen A, Schrøder HM, Äärimaa V, Rasmussen JV, Salomonsson B, Hole R, Overgaard S. EOR, volume 4, June 2019

Reverse shoulder arthroplasty has a higher risk of revision due to infection than anatomical shoulder arthroplasty: 17,730 primary shoulder arthroplasties from the Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association. Sahar Moeini, Jeppe V. Rasmussen, MD Björn Salomonsson, MD, Erica Arverud, Randi Hole, Trygve Methlie, Steen Lund Jensen, Stig Brorson The Bone & Joint Journal VOL. 101-, NO. 6 Published Online: 1 Jun 2019

Arthroplasty as primary treatment for distal humeral fractures produces reliable results with regards to revisions and adverse events: a registry-based study. Jens Nestorson, Hans Rahme, Lars Adolfsson J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019 Apr;28(4):e104-e110.


Risk factors for revision after reverse shoulder arthroplasty – Nordic arthroplasty registry study. Kaisa Lehtimäki, Jeppe Rasmussen, Jari Mokka, Björn Salomonsson, Randi Hole, Steen Lund Jensen, VilleÄärimaa, J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2018 Sep;27(9):1596-1601.

Anatomical total shoulder arthroplasty used for glenohumeral osteoarthritis has higher survival rates than hemiarthroplasty: A Nordic registry-based study. Jeppe V. Rasmussen, MD, PhD, Randi Hole, MD, Trygve Metlie, MD, Stig Brorson, MD, DMSc, Ville Äärimaa, MD, PhD, Yilmaz Demir, MD, Björn Salomonsson, MD, PhD Steen L. Jensen, MD, PhD, Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2018 May;26(5):659-665.

Young Age affects the risk of revision for stemmed and resurfacing hemi shoulder arthroplasty. A study from the Swedish shoulder arthroplasty register. Magnus Ödquist MD, Kristofer Hallberg MD, Hans Rahme MD PhD, Björn Salomonsson MD PhD, Aldana Rosso PhD. Acta Orthop. 2018 Feb; 89(1): 3–9.
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Revision rates and reasons for revision after shoulder replacement for acute fracture of the proximal humerus: a Nordic registry-based study of 6,756 cases. Stig Brorson, Björn Salomonsson, Steen L. Jensen, Anne Marie Fenstad, Yilmaz Demir, Jeppe V. Rasmussen Acta Orthop. 2017 Aug;88(4):446-450
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Are we throwing the baby out with the bath water? Elizabeth W. Paxton, Prentice HA, Inacio MC, Dillon MT, Page RS, Rasmussen JV, Salomonsson B, de Steiger R, Navarro RA. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 May;26(5):e137-e139.


Is it feasible to merge data from national shoulder registries? A new collaboration within the Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association (NARA). Jeppe Rasmussen; Stig Brorson; Geir Hallan; Håvard Dale; Ville Äärimaa; Jari Mokka; Steen L Jensen; Anne M Fenstad; Björn Salomonsson. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016 Dec;25(12):e369-e377.
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A validation of the Swedish version of the WORC index in the assessment of patients reated by surgery for subacromial disease including rotator cuff syndrome. Soheila Zhaeentan; Markus Legeby; Susanne Ahlström; Andrè Stark; Björn Salomonsson. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2016 Apr 14;17:165.


Establishing an international shoulder arthroplasty consortium. Page RS, Navarro RA, Salomonsson B. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014 Aug;23(8):1081-2.
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A review of national shoulder and elbow joint replacement registries. Rasmussen JV, Olsen BS, Fevang BT, Furnes O, Skytta ET, Rahme H, Salomonsson B, Mohammed KD, Page RS, Carr AJ. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2012 Oct;21(10):1328-35.


The Swedish Elbow Arthroplasty Register and The Swedish Shoulder Arthroplasty Register. Two new Swedish arthroplasty registers. Rahme H, Jacobsen M, Salomonsson B. Acta Orthop Scand 2001; 72 (2): 107-112.

Publicerad: 28 december 2023
Senast uppdaterad: 17 februari 2025