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Low survival rates of stemmed hemiarthroplasty and reverse arthroplasty after treatment for proximal humerus fracture sequelae. A register-based study from the Nordic Arthroplasty register association. Ditte Unbehaun, Sigrid Rasmussen, Randi Hole, Anne Marie Fenstad, Björn Salomonsson, Yilmaz Demir, Steen Lund Jensen, Stig Brorson, Ville Äärimaa, Inger Mechlenburg, Jeppe Vejlgaard Rasmussen, Abstracts / JSES Open Access 3 (2019)

Cutibacterium acnes (formerly Propionibacterium acnes) isolated from prosthetic joint infections is less susceptible to oxacillin than to benzylpenicillin. Sara Ridberg, Bengt Hellmark, Åsa Nilsdotter, Bo Söderquist J. Bone Joint Infect. 2019; 4(3): 106-110.


A comparison of the minimum data sets for primary shoulder arthroplasty between national shoulder arthroplasty registries. Is international harmonization feasible? Ricardo Aveledo, Phillip Holland, Michael Thomas,Fiona Ashton, Amar Rangan, 2018 Shoulder Elbow. 2019 Jul;11(2 Suppl):48-55
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Vad kan Axelprotesregistret säga om frakturbehandling 2018? Björn Salomonsson, Ortopediskt Magasin 4/2018 (16-17).


International variation in shoulder arthroplasty. Lübbeke A, Rees JL, Barea C, Combescure C, Carr AJ, Silman AJ. Acta Orthop. 2017 Dec;88(6):592-599.

Livsstilsfaktorer förbisedda i kirurgiska kvalitetsregister. H Tønnesen, K Hovhannisyan, T Laurisen, K Stenström Bohlin, R Olsson, Läkartidningen. 2017;114:EM4H. Swedish

High incidence of periprosthetic joint infection with propionibacterium acnes after the use of a stemless shoulder prosthesis with metaphyseal screw fixation – a retrospective cohort study of 241 patients propionibacter infections. Johansson L, Hailer NP, Rahme H. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017 May 19;18(1):203.

Legal and psychological considerations for obtaining informed consent for reverse totalshoulder arthroplasty. Review article. Craig Blackwood, Jen Dixon, Peter Reilly and Roger J Emery. Shoulder Elbow. 2017 Jan;9(1):15-22


Review of 103 Swedish Healthcare Quality Registries. Emilsson L, Lindahl B, Köster M, Lambe M, Ludvigsson JF. J Intern Med. 2015 Jan;277(1):94-136.
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National registries for shoulder and elbow arthroplasties are established. Rahme H, Salomonsson B, Jacobsen M. Läkartidningen. 1999 Jul 28;96(30-31):3338. Swedish.
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Revision and mortality in patients with proximal humerus fracture treated with reverse or hemi shoulder replacement-a register based follow up. Niklas Kölerud

Swedish shoulder arthroplasty registry: implant survival, readmission and mortality in primary shoulder replacement for glenohumeral arthritis. Johan Hammarberg

Outcome after shoulder arthroplasty treatment for avascular necrosis. Albin Forsslund


Rotator cuff status in relation to outcome after treatment with shoulder arthroplasty for osteoarthritis. An analysis from the Swedish Shoulder Arthroplasty Registry. Ivan Dahlbäck

Reverse shoulder arthroplasty or shoulder hemiarthroplasty in shoulders with cuff tear arthropathy, a study from the Swedish shoulder registry. Daniel Söderberg

Hemiarthroplasty versus reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in proximal humerus fractures. Abhishek Anand

Patient outcome after proximal humeral fracture treated with arthroplasty, comparison of early and late surgical treatment from the Swedish Shoulder Arthroplasty Registry. Linda Boström

Comparison of uncemented stemmed total shoulder arthroplasty and metaphyseal total shoulder arthroplasty in glenohumeral arthrosis patients – a register-based follow-up. Jesper Edström

Comparison of total shoulder arthroplasty and hemi shoulder arthroplasty in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis – a register-based follow-up. Aysha Sharif


Reports of preoperative radiographic imaging, a surgeon’s competence level, and prophylactic antibiotic regimes in shoulder arthroplasties performed in Sweden. Carl Lundquist


Implant survival for elective elbow arthroplasty, a study from the Swedish Elbow Arthroplasty Register. Louise Hedenstedt


Validation of the Swedish shoulder register and an analysis of post-surgical complications. A study of the reported re-operations within the register. Sebastian Samuelsson

Validation of data within the Swedish Shoulder register and incidence of common and serious complications. A register study on primary shoulder arthroplasties. Martin Östholm


Revision after shoulder arthroplasty – a register study. Nils Steineck

Reported revisions after elective shoulder arthroplasty, A Swedish Shoulder Arthroplasty Register analysis. Eva Kesek


Validation of the Swedish translation of Western Ontario Osteoarthritis of the shoulder index. Hannes Heins


Preoperative delay of treatment with hemiarthroplasty for proximal humerus fractures: an analysis of patient reported outcome measurements. Alma Vuorinen

Western Ontario Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder index (WOOS) as outcome Measurement of hemiarthroplasty after a proximal humerus fracture – a validation study. Hanna Sjöberg

Publicerad: 17 november 2023
Senast uppdaterad: 17 februari 2025